Tonkon Torp attorney Rosie Fatta is serving on the Associates Committee of the Campaign for Equal Justice (CEJ). The CEJ Associates Committee is comprised of young attorneys in Portland who help drive support for CEJ and Oregon legal aid within their respective organizations and among their peers.
Rosie is an associate in Tonkon Torp’s Litigation Department with a diverse civil litigation practice covering business disputes and the defense of professional services clients and employers in and outside of court.
The CEJ is a lawyer-driven fundraising organization which has raised over $33.5 million for legal aid in Oregon since forming in 1991. Tonkon Torp has been actively involved with the CEJ from the organization’s beginning. Rosie is serving on the Associates Committee with fellow associate Paul Balmer, while partner Kristin Bremer Moore serves on the CEJ Board of Directors. Retired partner Darcy Norville serves on the CEJ Advisory Committee.