The February 6 Tonkon Talk guided business owners through the pending implementation of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which passed in 2018. Parna Mehrbani and Eric Beach provided background on the legislation, explained how broadly “personal information” is defined in the CCPA, and discussed how the CCPA will impact companies doing business with California consumers when the statute goes into effect on January 1, 2020. They also explained how the CCPA differs from the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and shared a number of concrete actions that companies can take now to prepare.
Tonkon Talks is a series of lunch-hour presentations hosted by the firm’s Entrepreneurial Services Practice Group. They are held on the first Wednesday of most months at CENTRL Office. The talks provide an overview of legal topics that impact entrepreneurs and startups.
Please email us here if you are interested in attending a future presentation on the CCPA.