Tonkon Torp serves as general counsel for The World of Speed, Portland’s newest destination motorsports museum. The World of Speed provides Portland with a space where the community can gather, learn, and preserve the motorsports culture of the Northwest.
The nonprofit organization has formed a unique partnership with a community college and local school districts to fill a gap in automotive vocational training. The facility, a former auto dealership, boasts a functional service bay and two state of the art classrooms in which students learn small engine repair and auto maintenance 101. The program graduated 80 students in its first year, awarding high school and community college credit, and it anticipates serving more than 100 students next year. The program is expected to grow organically until it reaches its capacity of 200 students. Educational moments are woven throughout the museum, with curriculum incorporated into exhibits about automotive technology, and making safe choices around autos and motorsports.
Nonprofits like the World of Speed must adhere to specific laws and issues related to being a nonprofit. In addition, they must navigate issues that every business faces, such as employment, contracts, immigration, and tax. The attorneys in the Nonprofit & Tax-Exempt Entities practice group at Tonkon Torp are uniquely situated to provide a full array of legal services to nonprofits, which represent a third of Oregon employers.
Shouka Rezvani, the lead attorney for the World of Speed, helps ensure that the nonprofit is legally compliant with governance, compliance, third-party contracts, and intellectual property.