Tonkon Torp Helps CLIMAX Strengthen Worldwide Market Position

Tonkon Torp represented Newberg, Oregon-based CLIMAX Portable Machining and Welding Systems, in its acquisition in 2013 of Houston-based Calder Testers. Founded in 1966, CLIMAX is the world’s largest supplier of portable machine tools for the power generation, shipbuilding, heavy construction and mining, petrochemical and engineering industries. 


Privately held Calder Testers specializes in providing advanced equipment testing systems to many of the world’s valve manufacturing and service companies. With the acquisition of Calder, CLIMAX has strengthened its position in the worldwide market for manufacturing machines that repair and test valves. 


Corporate attorney Sherrill Corbett represented CLIMAX, as well as a team of specialists in real estate, tax and executive compensation. 

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