Maureen McGee Elected Board President of Mission Street Parks Conservancy

Tonkon Torp attorney Maureen McGee has been elected President of the Mission Street Parks Conservancy (MSPC) Board of Directors. MSPC helps the City of Salem preserve and celebrate the iconic public landscapes on and near Mission Street, with a current focus on Bush Pasture Park.

McGee joined the MSPC board of directors in 2022 and is thrilled to be taking on this new leadership role. “As an avid gardener, I have a deep appreciation for public gardens and public parks of all types. Volunteering with MSPC has been a great way to get involved in my local community and meet fellow plant enthusiasts. The work they are doing is important for the quality of life in Salem and is very meaningful to me as a community member,” shared McGee. “I look forward to helping MSPC continue to broaden their impact in the Mission Street area and further inspire our community to experience, protect, and value our parks and their history.”

McGee is an attorney in Tonkon Torp’s Government Relations & Public Policy Practice Group and Co-Chair of the Government Solutions group. She offers comprehensive government affairs services to the firm’s clients on matters before the Oregon Legislature, administrative agencies, and local governments.

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