Are you prepared for the ASTM Standard revisions and its requirements going into effect in early 2022? Join us May 19 for a discussion with environmental attorney Jeanette Schuster and Ryan Bixby (SoundEarth Strategies), who will provide guidance for conducting environmental due diligence in commercial transactions.
Topics include:
- Are legal liability and protections under federal and state Superfund law affecting your transaction?
- How can the new requirements for conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment under ASTM Standard 1527-13 delay or change your transaction?
- Anticipated changes to the ASTM Standard – what are the implications?
May 19, 2021 12:00 – 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Jeanette Schuster – Chair, Tonkon Torp Environmental & Natural Resources Practice Group
Ryan Bixby – Vice-President & Managing Principal, SoundEarth Strategies
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